
Sky-Rise, 2021, Terrace Billboard Commission, Home of the Arts, Gold Coast

Sky-Rise, 1.9 x 11 metres, digital print on PVC

“…Sky-Rise is an interpretation of our coastal skyline manipulated to create structural impossibilities. The work is a retake on the Gold Coast that builds an alternate narrative, especially poignant when aligned with notions of a growing contemporary city.

Lyle’s practice is conceptually driven by the idea of subversion and reframing of everyday objects, concepts and materials. The new commission reveals familiar elements in an unfamiliar way, encouraged by the exploration of presentation at the scale of 11 metres. In Sky-Rise, the gradient blue sky fills the background with a familiar and vibrant atmosphere yet, with no horizon present in the composition, creates an aspirational sense of looking upward and beyond.”

- Ruth Della, read more here


You Got Me Feeling E-mojis


Sticker Sheet Series